Friday, September 26, 2008

Fall Limited Editions!

Can you believe it's already FALL!?!?
I know. It blows my mind...
Here's our Fall Limited Edition info!

(click on image to view it larger... and just to letcha know, we've already started booking... so hurry and book before it fills up!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

thought it was time to introduce the other man in my life...

this is moses ;)

(click on image to see larger)

i brought the studio lights to my house for the storm... figured it would be a good time for me to shoot Moses' first session.

i've had a few pets in my life. but, he's definitely one of a kind. an extremely strange personality...

hhhhmmmmmm... kinda sound familiar?? :) HA!

This is baby moses... a day or so after he "found us"... July 23rd, 2005.

he was so teeny tiny... my finger nail was bigger than his noes and mouth! oh, how they grow up so fast! lol!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

out of the studio...

... we're headed out of town for my birthday
(which is in about 15 minutes... just thought i'd throw that in!)
wwhhhoooo hooooooo!
Be back monday.
all calls & emails will be returned when i get back!

...electricity is a wonderful thing... never really sit and think about until you don't have it... right!?!?

well. we made it through Gustav with only some minor wind damage. our fence at our house is laying on the ground and the yard at the studio looks like someone sprinkled green confetti everywhere... we're VERY lucky. there are trees down EVERYWHERE and the roads are a mess. Russ & i stayed with some friends in Central who have a generator... it was kinda like a mini vacation.

we were only without power for 2 days. but, i heard earlier on the news that 72% of Baton Rouge is still without electricity... and some area's are estimated to be without for weeks.

um. and yeah, the mosquito's are absolutely ridiculous!!! my legs look like i have a mild case of chicken pox... and they're saying that they'll only get worse... oh joy.

we'll be back in the studio monday (the 8th) for everyone that's wanting to get out... i know sitting around looking at each other gets a little lame... lol...
let me know if you want to come by. i'll probably spend most of the day calling clients - so just leave a message and i'll call ya back!