Friday, April 4, 2008

rainy day...

every once in a while i have to schedule in time to "catch up" - no appts... just work on proofing sessions, orders and organize all of the many things that end up on my desk...

Wednesday was this day.

after going to the dentist ( had to add that cause i'm so happy that i'm cavity free... k, now back to the point of the blog. HA!) i sat here, in this very spot... and i sat here... thinking to myself - gosh! it seems like i've been here FOREVER!!!

you wanna know why it seemed like that??? oh, i know you do...

well, because it had been forever! (at least to me) 5 o'clock rolled around and by this time the rain had started , so i decided it was time for a break.

a MUCH needed one, i might add :)

here's a few shots from the rain... oh! and check out my snazzy new boots... can't get much cuter than that, huh!!??! yeah, i was beginning to get tired of pulling my heels out of the mud... imagine that! ;)

(anyway... ended up skipping out on pumping iron... lol... i was on a roll... and stayed here. in this very spot... till after 10pm... just thought i'd add that in)

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