Friday, August 29, 2008

The adventures of Cherish + Russ...

:) ok. so, in the craziness of last week i didn't make time to post that we would be out of the studio until the 28th. No biggie... normally i'd do that after i actually arrived at the location to where i would be. Well... Lol... i was unaware that our location would have NO INTERNET & by chance i found a spot that i had cell reception - so if you received a return call from me i was probably sitting on the window sil. HA!

Anyway. Russ & I had a quick trip to Maine to visit is dad & step mom who had rented a house by the beach. i actually lived in Maine as a child... so it was fun to revisit the state.

We visited some of the lighthouses along the coast and a few art museums... ate some "Lobsta" (ha ha ) and went kayaking in the ocean...

We were scheduled to arrive in New Orleans at 11pm on the 27th but, ran into a few issues leaving Portland which delayed our landing into the JFK airport and caused us to miss the last flight out.

ssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooo... we added sleeping in an airport to the list of 1st time things
and got home around 10am on the 28th... fun fun. are a couple of the lighthouses pictures... enjoy!
(click on image to veiw larger)

Now I'm attempting to get caught up and hoping that the electricity doesn't go out next week... or we'll have a ton of apportionment's to reschedule... whhhooo hoooo.

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